Monday, January 26, 2009

Life Goes On

Good morning, world! Life looks pretty good today! I've learned that life is what one makes of it. The choices I make today, can have a large impact on my tomorrows. I don't think I ever really "got that" concept before. I've heard the sayings that "you are what you think", and "you are what you eat"! However, I think, today, that it actually sank in. It is true,....the decisions I make today, now,....determine my future, my destiny. If I want to lose weight, and control my diabetes, the doughnut for breakfast is NOT a good choice. Oh, it will taste good, and feel good going down, but what will the "bad carbs" do to my weight control and diet choices for my diabetes? Yes, I can "cheat" now and then with diabetes, so my dietian says, if I "allow" for it in my "carb counting". But through experience I've learned that eating the healthier choices not only allows me to eat more food, but I also feel better all the way around. The exercise helps with my depression, and lifts my spirits, so I don't feel as "down" as I do without the exercise. Besides, when I walk,.....I get the added benefit of it helping burn the sugar for my diabetes, which helps it to stay "controlled".

Having said all that,....I will choose to be happy, I will choose to make healthy choices when I eat, I will choose to spend time, quality time with my God, for these things bring peace, joy, and life to my soul. To my very being. It is the basics in controlling my illnesses. I am through "blaming" all my problems on my Borderline Personality Disorder, with all that goes with it, my depression, my diabetes, my obsessive compulsive disorder, my migraines,....the fact that I am so "different" from everyone else because of these illnesses. I have learned that everyone struggles. Everyone has one problem or another. We may not all be the same, or have the same struggles, but none the less, we all bear our own burdens. I have chosen to let God carry mine. Then I don't have too! Praise the Lord for His goodness to me, and for bringing to this place in my life. I hope you have as good of a day as I am going to have. God bless you!


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

An Act of Kindness

I've decided that I think of my blog as my diary. I guess I should write in it everyday. Just so I remember things that I have done, or accomplished, or just to share. Perhaps my journey through life, will help someone who struggles with the same things, or perhaps it may inspire or encourage someone. On some days,....since not all are "good days", it may even discourage you a bit! But bare with me, because I'm only human, as you will soon discover, if you haven't already!

Today, I had the joy of taking a friend who is ill, to another town, to get a Rx from her doctor, then take her to the pharmacy. No big deal, I ran an errand along the way. It felt really good to help her, for once when I was very ill, another friend helped me a great deal, when I could not drive myself. She would take me to appointments, and was always there for me. So I guess in this cycle of life, one could say,...."it's my turn" to return the good to someone.

I will always be grateful that I am no longer an invalid due to fibromyalgia. For one wonderful day, at a Prayer Conference, in another town, I was anointed, as the Bible suggests we do in James 5:14-16. And marvelously,....God healed me!! I had come down with it after about 6 months following a car accident. I had it for 7 long years!! I call it my "Job Experience" Because during those 7 very long years, I learned that I could totally and completely trust God!!

Three weeks later,.....I was diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure!! Yes, you read that right! I laughed, and told my husband, that God knew I couldn't handle Fibro., an CHF at the same time, so He took one away, before I got the other!!! I was told that my heart valve was not working right. I needed surgery. They put me in the hospital, and took 23 pounds of fluid off of me. (I could hardly breathe before that!) I was anointed and prayed for again, and God healed me once again, and they canceled my surgery!!! The valve was working properly, the angiogram showed. However the heart was still not functioning quite right, so after a low salt diet, walking, and many echocardiograms, and a year and a half later, my heart was normal,....and my cardiologist released me! Praise God! Of course there is more to the story,....this is the mini version. I know that if any of you scientist and doctors out there who may read this, may question the "miracle", but that's because not all the details, and the heart studies, you can't see for yourself. But me and my docs know what happened, and as my primary care physician said, "I'm sorry, as much as I would like the credit, we doctors and science, couldn't do that!!"

So, you see, my helping my friend today, comes from a heart filled with gratitude to my Heavenly Father, who has done much for me. I can't help but love Him, and praise Him!

Now, go do a random act of kindness for someone in your world!


Thursday, January 8, 2009

I have too many blogs!

Well, I'm not sure what I did wrong when I tried to customize my blog, and register with Google, but somehow or another, I ended with 3 blogs! I'm only using this one, so if you desire to follow my blog, this is the one you need to subscribe too! Sorry for the confusion, but I'm new at this!

Other that that minor problem, life is getting better for me. I'm developing a more positive attitude, and that helps a whole lot. I'm getting involved in things that interest me. I belong to a Bible study group, that meets every Friday evening. I lead a prayer team at my church, and really enjoy seeing God work in the lives of His people. It is really awesome! I love making soy candles, selling them, and teaching classes on how to make them. I have my granddaughters over one afternoon a week, just to do "Grandma things"! I really enjoy that! Whether it's baking, going to the park, playing games, or just reading stories. I love my little "pumpkins"!

Most of all, I enjoy seeing how God works in my life day by day. How He has led me through all my health issues, and is continuing to help me. Perhaps in a future blog, I'll share some of that with you, but for now, I'm just basking in His presence, and don't want to go over the "bad stuff" that is now behind me. I just want to wait and see, with great excitement, what He has planned for my "today" and all of my tomorrows. Life is so exciting when God is number 1!!! Have a super day!


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

God In Control

I have decided that life is much easier to let God be in control, than when I try to run things my way. If I do things "my way", I tend to get caught up in "what people might think" about what or how I do things. By letting God have His way, I don't have to worry about any of that. I don't have to worry myself with what "others think" about what I do or say. I just stay connected to God, and have a one on one relationship with Him, and He takes control. Complete control, when I let Him. Then I don't need to worry about the rest. I just live to please Him. Love others the way He does. Life is so much easier when Jesus is in control. Why do I sometimes forget, and try to handle life my way. From now on, it's me and God! He is going to be first, always.

I have felt the "consequenses" of this decision once already, as I mentioned in a previous post. Friends, and family don't always understand why God has to be number one in my life. They think that they should be number one. I would like to suggest that if you don't agree with me, try spending time with God, and really get to know Him, intimately. I think you'll agree. Life with Him as number one is so much better.

Have a blessed day!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

My Life Today

First and formost, I am a child of God. He comes first in my life, then husband and family. My family is very important to me, but my relationship with God is formost in my life. My husband agrees with me, and believes that this is the way it should be. However, my adult daughter, strongly disagrees with me. In fact, one night last month, as we were talking we actually cried over this. Because of my strong belief in God, and putting Him first, she believes that I am not supportive of my family. In my opinion this is far from true. If I did not support and care about my family, I would not always be there for them, and do the the babysitting, and giving up of my time for them. Perhaps she feels this way, because she no longer believes that there is a God. My other children who are Christians, have never expressed this feeling to me, and have given me the impression that they appreciate all I do for them very much.

It terribly hurts me, to think that my precious daughter feels that I am non supportive, because I put God first. But God has to be number one in my life. I hope that one day she will be able to accept me as I am, and respect me and my relationship with God.

Daughter, if you ever read this, please know that I love you, and your precious family very much. Nothing will ever change that. Especially my relationship with Jesus Christ. He only makes my love for you, and others stronger. I'll always be there for you. Please understand that.

If there are any others out there who have ever experienced anything like this, and can offer me some encouragement.....I would surely like to hear from you. Thanks for listening.