Monday, January 26, 2009

Life Goes On

Good morning, world! Life looks pretty good today! I've learned that life is what one makes of it. The choices I make today, can have a large impact on my tomorrows. I don't think I ever really "got that" concept before. I've heard the sayings that "you are what you think", and "you are what you eat"! However, I think, today, that it actually sank in. It is true,....the decisions I make today, now,....determine my future, my destiny. If I want to lose weight, and control my diabetes, the doughnut for breakfast is NOT a good choice. Oh, it will taste good, and feel good going down, but what will the "bad carbs" do to my weight control and diet choices for my diabetes? Yes, I can "cheat" now and then with diabetes, so my dietian says, if I "allow" for it in my "carb counting". But through experience I've learned that eating the healthier choices not only allows me to eat more food, but I also feel better all the way around. The exercise helps with my depression, and lifts my spirits, so I don't feel as "down" as I do without the exercise. Besides, when I walk,.....I get the added benefit of it helping burn the sugar for my diabetes, which helps it to stay "controlled".

Having said all that,....I will choose to be happy, I will choose to make healthy choices when I eat, I will choose to spend time, quality time with my God, for these things bring peace, joy, and life to my soul. To my very being. It is the basics in controlling my illnesses. I am through "blaming" all my problems on my Borderline Personality Disorder, with all that goes with it, my depression, my diabetes, my obsessive compulsive disorder, my migraines,....the fact that I am so "different" from everyone else because of these illnesses. I have learned that everyone struggles. Everyone has one problem or another. We may not all be the same, or have the same struggles, but none the less, we all bear our own burdens. I have chosen to let God carry mine. Then I don't have too! Praise the Lord for His goodness to me, and for bringing to this place in my life. I hope you have as good of a day as I am going to have. God bless you!


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